Hesitation Wound

TIFF.18 Sibiu
Hesitation Wound TIFF.18 Sibiu

Hesitation Wound

TIFF.18 Sibiu

Title: Tereddüt çizgisi
Director: Selman Nacar
Cast: Ogulcan Arman Uslu, Gülçin Kültür Şahin, Erdem Senocak, Vedat Erincin, Tülin Özen
Duration: 1h 24m
Country: Türkiye
Year: 2023

Nesrin is an idealistic criminal lawyer from a small town who spends her mornings in the courthouse and her evenings in the hospital by her mother’s side who lives connected to the respirator. On the day of the verdict hearing for a murder suspect whom Nesrin labored for for a long time, Nesrin learns that the suspect had actually committed the crime, but had done so for a good cause. Nesrin feels stuck in between feelings of law and justice. What will she do?

At this moment, we do not have any future performances scheduled.

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